Keep At 'Em!
George Fleming offered this advice recently and I'd like to add my support to what he says.
It is vital to keep lobbying as many people as possible. Never give up. This is what it is all about and, while not every response is what we had hoped for, if you keep at 'em, you will eventually get through.
I would mention that Mr no-relation Fleming has a proven track record in lobbying. Despite all the odds, after three years of struggle amid the bitter inter-communal strife in Northern Ireland, George managed to have a Memorial to James Magennis VC erected in Belfast. The story behind that struggle is uplifting, and so is the book he wrote "Magennis VC: the Story of Northern Ireland's Only Winner".
Here is George's email together with a letter that he received from an MP (not his own) who had passed on one of George's many mailings to Ian Pearson who is at the very centre of this PJM issue. So the message is - be inspired by George's example and "Keep At Em!". Like him, we shall succeed.
George said:
"One thing I never expect when lobbying is an instant reply. Press on regardless and send a second, third & fourth post. Lobbying then becomes harassment but, believe me, it works.
A second point, is when you get a pass the parcel post back, ignore it and send another e/mail to the same MP few days later. The one thing you never do is let them off the hook.
Once you start getting other MP's sending you copies of letters (see example below) with your name on it then you know you are beginning to bother them and the message is finally getting through."
Here is the example letter:
George has sent many letters to MP's. He didn't give up. If you keep at 'em, the penny will drop. Here, one MP has forwarded George's letter to Ian Pearson who is FCO Minister dealing with the PJM. This is Pearson's reply to that MP. Perseverance pays off!
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