Image of the PJM Medal
Banner Text = Fight For the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia Medal

About Us.

We are a group of ex-servicemen and women who are fighting for the right to wear the “Pingat Jasa Malaysia” (PJM), a medal graciously offered by the King and Government of Malaysia to men and women of the Commonwealth, service personnel and civilians who served Malaysia in the period from 1957 to 1966 in its fight to maintain its newly-won independence.

The right to wear the medal has been denied to British citizens by the British Government despite the Queen having given permission for our Commonwealth friends and allies, Australian and New Zealand citizens, to wear the medal.

Our fight is a simple one - we want to be able to wear our medal with pride. We cannot understand why British citizens have been denied the right despite being the only country to have fought for Malaysia in all areas throughout the ten year period. It seems to us to be a senseless and spiteful act perpetrated by the unelected and secretive Honours and Decorations Committee who are seemingly trying to perpetuate the out-dated Imperial Honours System.

We have no sponsors and we have no political or commercial affiliations. We are funding and publishing this web site ourselves, and so you see us as we are - warts and all!

Our service was carried out many years ago and we are now all ageing civilians, many retired, and generally no trouble to anyone except those in the queue at the Post Office where we wait to pick up our pensions. But the injustice that has just been perpetrated upon us has fired us up from our dormancy for just one more fight - one we never expected to have to enter into, but one we intend to exit from proudly wearing our medal.

We hope we shall have your support. If we do, please register on our Forum - it is private and your email details, needed for registration purposes, will not be disclosed unless you ask that they should be displayed.

Your turn now!

If you would like to comment on this page, please click here and send us your thoughts.

And here are some comments we've received:

Subject = About Us

Comment =This is typical bloody mindedness of this goverment. I intend to lobby my MP and when and if I receive the medal, I will wear it with pride.

(Geoff Williams, UK - contact details supplied)

The PJM Medal Ribbon


Subject = About Us

Comment=I support your cause. I think you should be able to wear the award that was so rightly given to you. I am proud of anyone who fought/fights for our King/Queen and country. You have my utmost respect.

(Darren Hobbs, UK - contact details supplied)

The PJM Medal Ribbon

Subject = About Us

Comment=As an ex serviceman who served in the conflict in question, I think that it is an affront to all of the people who were caught up in this conflict for the reasons given for us not being able to wear the medal as I know of at least two cases where medals issued well after the five year period have been granted

As has been stated many times it is also an affront to the Malasian King and government not to mention the muslim nations as the majority of Malasian's are of this belief. However I would like to point out that troops who served in the first desert storm received medals from the Saudi government but as yet are not allowed to wear them yet - another swipe at the muslim nations. It is about time that this country got off of its backside and brought this country up to date with the rest of the world.

(BW, UK - name and contact details supplied)

The PJM Medal Ribbon

Subject = The PJM

Comment=I fully support the campaign, I wish the right to wear the medal along side my GSM with bars Malaya AND Borneo Cameron H. Buchanan ex cpl Drums 1SG.

(Cameron Buchanan, UK - contact details supplied)

The PJM Medal Ribbon

Subject = The PJM

Comment=I know my service in Singapore and Malaya falls outside the period for receiving this award but I honestly think all those who qualify should get and wear it unhindered.

(Katnavman, UK - name and contact details supplied)

The PJM Medal Ribbon

Subject = The PJM Right to Wear Campaign

Comment=Good luck with your campaign.

(EH, UK - name and contact details supplied)

[Ed: It is very pleasing and humbling to have support from those like EH who are not entitled to the PJM but who support us. And it is particularly pleasing to hear from the ladies - as is the case here. Thank you.]

The PJM Medal Ribbon


Subject = About Us

Comment=Although I do not exercise my right to wear the medals that I received during my service in the armed forces, I nonetheless respect the right of others to do so, and this medal, awarded by the Government of Malaysia in recognition of the sevice that we rendered to that country, and in many instances, recognises the supreme sacrifice paid, is no exception.

There is a poem by Rudyard Kipling called "Tommy" that just about sums up the attitude of the British Government, and for those of you not familiar with it, a few lines seem apt: "For it's Tommy this,an' Tommy that, an 'chuck him out, the brute!'
But it's 'Saviour of 'is country' when the guns begin to shoot;

(Vic Balsdon, UK - contact details supplied)

[Ed: The poem Vic refers to is on I happen to know that there are some exceptional circumstances surrounding Vic's post which make his words and his support very special indeed. A true Royal Marine.]

The PJM Medal Ribbon


Subject = The PJM Right to Wear Campaign

Comment=As all your supporters say, I am digusted with our government's attitude. I support your cause wholeheartedly, and if/when I receive my medal in Australia, I shall wear it with pride here, even if not allowed to in my country of birth.

(Tony Davies, Australia - contact details supplied)

The PJM Medal Ribbon


Subject=The Medal

Message=Those men who served both in Borneo and Sarawak should be allowed to wear the medal from the Malaysia Government with Honour. The fact the British Government kept the facts secret from the British People our involvement in this War is no excuse now is it?

(Thomas Weatherall, UK - name and contact details supplied)

The PJM Medal Ribbon

Subject=The Medal

Message=Though I seldom, if ever, wear my medals nowadays. I support your efforts on our behalf to allow us the right, should we wish, to wear the PJM which the Malaysian Government was so kind to award.

(R. Few, ex- RAF Norwich, UK - name and contact details supplied)

The PJM Medal Ribbon


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